:: Well OSFMount can also mount other types but this is some kind of compromise or g_CountLines= ^^^| find /c g_Drives=wmic logicaldisk where FileSystem^^^="EXT4" get Name /f %%x in ('%g_Drives% %g_CountLines%') do Currently mounted drives %Lines% \ %lines% GEQ %MaxDrivesCount% /f "tokens=2 delims=" %%d in ( :: :SetIfExist OSFMount not defined OSFMount :SetIfExist OSFMount not defined OSFMount ERROR: %OSFMount% not Please copy %~nx0 into same dir where %OSFMount_Exe% exist "%~2" set :eof ::if "%2" NEQ "" set cmd=%OSFMount% -a -t file -m %MountPoint% -f "%File%" -o Errorlevel 1 Errorlevel: :UnMountAll OSFMount.cmd OSFMount Script g_MuteOutput= ^>nul :MayBe_UnMountAll OSFMount doesn't have drop'n'drag support - also the use of is not that simple to easy associate it with *.ext4 or *.img files to mount them. Well I kinda same story - all kinds of CD-image support but none for Ext4 Mount Image Pro can't mount Ext4 files (it's just good for *.iso, *.dmg, *.vhd and some more forensic images) (^- could only get it to run by this version with an Anti Dongle patch) Works great for mount an Ext4 Image in windows and the download is just 2MB. OSFMount allows you to mount local disk image files in Windows with a